Notice of Intent (NOI) to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Exploratory Multi-site Palliative Care Research in Diverse Populations Utilizing the Palliative Care Research Cooperative (PCRC) Group (R21) We are pleased to share the news that the NIH Notice of Intent (NOI) to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Exploratory Multi-site Palliative Care Research in Diverse Populations Utilizing the Palliative Care Research Cooperative (PCRC) Group (R21) has been released: The FOA is expected to be
The next semi-annual PCRC Face-to-Face Investigator Meeting will take place October 7-8, 2015 in Bethesda, MD. In addition to the general session, this meeting will include a special segment on the NIH campus on the morning of October 7th. PCRC Members should contact for more information.
Registration is now open for Advancing Science, Improving Lives, the National Institute of Nursing Research’s (NINR) 30th Anniversary Scientific Symposium and Poster Session. The symposium will take place October 13, 2015 on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD. For more information and to register for the event, visit: