The notice NOT-AG-18-039 was recently posted for Alzheimer's-focused administrative supplements for NIH grants that are not focused on Alzheimer's disease
Key aspects of NOT-AG-18-039 are as follows:
- Purpose is to expand existing awards that are not currently focused on Alzheimer’s disease and its related dementias (ADRD) to allow them to develop a focus on ADRD
- Active awards with project end dates in FY 2020 or later are eligible. The award may not be in terminal no cost extension or going into no cost extension in FY2019
- One year of support; Budget limited to no more than $250,000 in direct costs but may not exceed the amount of the current annual budget of the parent award
- Proposed work must be within the scope of the current project
- Proposed work must have relevance to Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia
- Deadline February 26, 2019
You are encouraged to contact both your NINR Program Officer and Lois Tully ( to discuss your proposed research.