Objective: To test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of an educational intervention that address advance care planning, palliative care, and hospice among hospitalized African American advanced cancer patients.
Methodology: Participants completed an in-person baseline assessment that captured data on sociodemographics, religious affiliation, and symptoms and QOL via the McGIll Quality of Life Questionnarie. We assesed patients' intent to complete an advance directive/living will (AD/LW), complete a medical power of attorney (MPOA), discuss palliative care, and to discuss hospice was based on the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model. The questionnaire consisted of items that related to the specific stage of behavior change for ACP (completion of an AD/LW or MPOA), discussion with providers about palliative care, and discussion with providers about hospice.
The intervention did not prove to be feasible in the hospital setting. There were too few caregiver participants to include analyses.